It's been a month since my last blog post and a lot has been happening for us here! We've all heard the news; gyms are set to reopen across the country tomorrow and many people are pondering on how best to approach their return to fitness.
The truth is, there's no magic answer. Every single person you talk to will have done something a bit differently, their goals are a bit different and they've had access to different kit or resources throughout the last several months.
The best thing to do is to look at your own activity levels during this time. Have you kept up with training? Have you had access to weights? Are you conditioned and well prepared to reenter your training at full tilt, or (for your safety) are you better off dialing it back a bit?
If you've spent the last 4 months lounging around and taking it easy, or even if you've continued training but with significantly reduced weights/access to equipment, you're going to find the first few sessions back at the gym very challenging if you try to jump back in with both feet and attack the same weights you were doing pre-lock-down.
I'd suggest setting yourself some newer, easier goals. You don't need to max out as soon as you step foot in the gym again, and I wouldn't recommend trying to hammer everything all at once. Plan a nice introductory session for yourself. Pick your favourite lifts and plan for your desired set/rep range at around 50% intensity. See how it feels, re-familiarize yourself with the movements and with the weights and enjoy it.
Each time you attend the gym you can push those weights up a bit judging by how prepared you feel and let your body readjust to handling the workload without risking strain or injury - especially given that you'll have no spotter readily available.
Take your time, dip your toes in. Training is about the long-term, not just the right now. We've all been missing the gyms (and especially the social aspect) but now's the time to proceed with caution and save ourselves a lot of pain and discomfort down the line.
Remember to stay safe, have fun, and get strong!
I hope to see you soon,