As you’ll probably be aware, I’m not a morning person. Taking on these hours at MultiFit has been a bit of a mild inconvenience in regards to my sleeping patterns, but that’s not the end of the world. I am finding it surprisingly easy to get out of bed in the mornings and still function (mostly) normally throughout the day and into the evenings. It’s somewhat of a blessing that my ladies boxing classes were moved to an earlier time, as they fall on the same day as these shifts and it means I can get an earlier night and be refreshed for the following day.
One thing I’ve not been overly keen on is having to answer to someone, which is the whole reason I went fully self employed in the first place. I’m a big fan of autonomy, and to have someone trying to steer how I plan my classes, how I engage with gym members and what I do with my time is pretty annoying. Still, that doesn’t mean I listen, or have to listen, since I am still self employed and I do these shifts on a voluntary basis.
All things considered, I enjoy being in the gym. It‘s convenient for my own training also, as my shift finishes at the usual time I begin training and on days that I train, so would be here anyway. I’m enjoying getting to know the new member base, or rather a member base I never met before because I‘d had no desire to be at the gym at 5am.
Now it’s just a case of figuring out what mealtimes will work for me, since eating before work leaves me ravenous by 8am, and I hate training when I’m hungry.
We’ll figure it out.